Glossary of Building Description Abbreviations
- abh
- apothecary shop/boarding house
- aca
- academy
- acd
- auction/commission store/dwelling
- acg
- auction/commission store/general storage
- acr
- addition/compting room
- acs
- auction & commission store
- acw
- apothecary shop/confectionary/dwelling
- ada
- auction store/dwelling/addition
- adc
- addition/covered way
- add
- addition
- adg
- apothecary shop/dry goods store/dwelling
- adi
- addition/dining room
- adk
- addition/kitchen
- adl
- apothecary shop/dwelling/lumber house
- adn
- addition/porch/kitchen
- adp
- addition/porch
- ads
- apothecary shop/druggist store
- adw
- apothecary shop/dwelling/wing
- ady
- auction store/dry goods store
- aeh
- apprentice’s eating house
- agr
- agricultural store
- ais
- agricultural implement store
- akb
- addition/kitchen/bath house
- akt
- Knights of Templar Hall/apothecary shop
- alh
- auction store/lumber house
- alo
- auction store/lumber house/office
- aop
- addition/office/porch
- apb
- apothecary shop/bookstore
- apc
- apothecary shop/compting room
- apd
- apothecary shop/dwelling
- ape
- apothecary shop/exchange broker’s office
- apn
- apothecary shop/ware room
- apo
- apothecary shop/office
- app
- apparatus
- apr
- apothecary shop/printing office
- aps
- apothecary shop
- apy
- addition/porch/stairway
- ard
- apothecary shop/printing office/dwelling
- art
- artist goods store/dwelling/addition
- asa
- apothecary shop/addition
- asd
- apothecary shop/store/dwelling
- ash
- auction store/storage house
- asi
- apothecary shop/silversmith shop
- ask
- addition/stairway/kitchen
- asl
- apothecary shop/lumber house
- asp
- apothecary shop/saddler’s shop
- ass
- apothecary shop/shoe store
- ast
- store/addition
- asw
- addition/stairway
- asy
- asylum
- ath
- apothecary shop/temperance hall
- ats
- attorney’s office/shop
- att
- attorney’s office
- aua
- auction store/addition
- auc
- auction & clothing store
- aud
- auction store/dwelling
- auf
- auction store/office
- aug
- auction store/grocery
- aus
- auction store
- auw
- auction store/warehouse
- awc
- addition/water closet
- awt
- apothecary shop/warehouse/telegraph office
- baa
- bake house/addition
- bab
- back building
- bac
- banking & cashier’s house
- bad
- bake house/dwelling
- baf
- banking house/office
- bag
- barbershop/grocery
- bah
- banking house
- bak
- barricks
- bal
- bale house
- bam
- barn/machine
- ban
- book bindery/addition
- bao
- bake house/office
- bap
- bakery/printing office
- bar
- barn
- bas
- barbershop
- bat
- bathing room
- baw
- barn/wheat house
- bay
- bakery
- bba
- bookstore/bindery/addition
- bbb
- barbershop/boarding house
- bbd
- book binder’s shop/dwelling
- bbf
- bell & brass foundry
- bbf
- tobacco store/office
- bbh
- bookstore/boarding house
- bbl
- blacksmith shop/boiler room/lumber room
- bbo
- barbershop/office
- bbo
- barbershop/telegraph office
- bbr
- blacksmith shop/boiler room
- bbs
- boat builder’s shop
- bbw
- bookstore/bindery/dwelling
- bcc
- blacksmith shop/carpenter’s shop/compting room
- bcd
- bread/cracker/dwelling
- bcg
- bonart store/confectionary/dwelling
- bch
- back house/shop
- bcl
- bindery/coal house
- bcm
- cabinet maker’s shop/boarding house
- bco
- boarding house/coffee house
- bcs
- beam house/currying shop
- bcw
- barn/cow house
- bda
- brewery/distillery/additions
- bdc
- barbershop/dwelling/cabinet maker’s shop
- bdd
- bookstore/dwelling/addition
- bdg
- blacksmith shop/dwelling/grocery
- bdh
- boarding house
- bdk
- boarding house/dwelling/kitchen/addition
- bdl
- bark mill/drying loft
- bds
- barbershop/dwelling/shed
- bdw
- brush store/dwelling
- bdy
- bath house/dairy
- bea
- beam house
- bfh
- blacksmith shop/forge/hammer
- bgh
- bath house/green house
- bgp
- broker’s office/agricultural store/printing office
- bgr
- barn/granary
- bha
- banking house/addition
- bhc
- bark house/currying shop
- bhd
- bank/dwelling
- bhm
- brush manufactory
- bho
- bath house/office
- bhr
- boarding house/reading room
- bhs
- bath house or bathing house
- bht
- boarding house/store
- bhw
- boarding house/wing
- bhy
- bath house/privy
- bib
- billiard room/bar
- bih
- billiard house
- bir
- billiard room
- bjd
- bookstore/jeweler’s store/dwelling
- bjo
- bookstore/jeweler’s/dry goods/office/dwelling
- bka
- baker’s store/dwelling/addition
- bkd
- bakery/dwelling
- bke
- boarding house/kitchen/store
- bkf
- broker’s office/office
- bkg
- basketmaker shop/dwelling
- bkh
- bake house
- bkm
- bark mill
- bkn
- brewery/kitchen
- bko
- bake house/oven
- bkr
- baker’s store/dwelling
- bks
- blacksmith shop
- bkt
- blacksmith shop/trimming shop
- bkw
- bookstore/wing
- bky
- book and stationary store
- bld
- building (generic)
- blm
- blockmaker’s shop
- blr
- banking house/lodging rooms
- blu
- bowling alley/lumber house
- blw
- barbershop/dwelling/warehouse
- bmg
- bark mill/granary
- bmh
- Baptist Meeting House
- bmr
- boot maker’s store/shop
- bms
- barn/machine/stable
- boa
- broker’s office/attorney’s office
- bob
- book binding establishment
- boc
- bookstore/compting room
- bod
- bookstore/dwelling
- bof
- boarding house/office
- bog
- boarding house/grocery
- bok
- bake oven/kiln
- bol
- bookstore/lodging rooms
- bom
- boot maker’s shop/dwelling
- boo
- bookstore
- bop
- bookstore/post office
- bos
- boiler shop
- bot
- bottling house
- bow
- boarding school/dwelling
- box
- box manufactory/ hanging house
- boy
- bookstore/bindery
- bph
- butcher’s packing house
- bpo
- boarding house/post office
- bpr
- broker’s office/printing office
- bps
- boring mill/pattern shop
- bpt
- book and paper store
- brd
- broker’s office/dwelling
- brf
- brass foundry
- brg
- brass bell & grate factory
- brh
- brewer’s house
- brk
- bark house
- brm
- bark house/mill
- bro
- bar room/kitchen
- brr
- bar room
- brs
- bread store/dwelling
- bru
- Bruffington (w&m)
- brw
- brew house
- bry
- brewery
- bsc
- barn/stable/carriage house
- bsd
- blacksmith shop/dwelling
- bsg
- boarding house/storage
- bsh
- back building/store/storing house
- bsk
- barbershop/kitchen
- bsl
- boarding school
- bsm
- bath house/smoke house
- bso
- book bindery/servant’s rooms
- bsr
- barbershop/shoemaker’s store
- bss
- barn/stable/slaughter house
- bst
- boot store/dwelling
- bsw
- barbershop/dwelling
- btd
- botanic store/dwelling
- btw
- book bindery/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- buc
- Buckskin hall
- bud
- butcher’s shop/dwelling
- bul
- bullet factory
- bum
- bellows & umbrella manufactory
- bus
- burr stones
- but
- butcher’s shop
- bwg
- banking house/wing
- bwh
- blacksmith shop/wheelwright shop
- bwm
- barn/wheat machine
- bws
- bath house/coal & wood/servant’s house
- bww
- boarding house/dwelling/wing or addition
- byh
- black yarn house
- byk
- bakery/kitchen
- cab
- cabinet shop
- cac
- carriage house/coal house
- cad
- carpenter’s shop/dwelling
- caf
- cabinet & furniture warehouse
- cag
- cage
- cah
- carriage house
- cai
- cabinet shop/storage house
- cak
- carpenter’s shop/kitchen
- cal
- caw shop/lumber room
- cam
- cabinet maker’s shop
- can
- candlemaker’s shop
- cao
- carpenter’s shop/office
- cap
- carpet room
- car
- carriage house/horse shed
- cas
- carpenter shop
- caw
- caw shop
- cay
- carriage repository
- cba
- cabinet maker’s shop/addition or shed
- cbd
- cabinet maker’s shop/dwelling
- cbg
- clothing store/boarding house/dwelling
- cbh
- clothing store/boarding house
- cbk
- coach maker’s shop/blacksmith shop
- cbl
- cabinet maker’s shop/lumber house
- cbm
- cabinet maker’s shop/cabinet workshop
- cbo
- cabinet shop/office/dwelling
- cbt
- confectionary/bread store
- cbu
- collonade building
- cbw
- confectionary/bread store/dwelling
- cca
- cabinet & chair shop
- ccd
- cabinet & chair shop/dwelling
- ccf
- court house/clerk’s office
- ccg
- china & crockery store/dwelling
- cch
- coach house or shop
- ccl
- chacler?
- ccn
- china & crockery store/addition
- cco
- china & crockery store/office
- ccp
- coach maker’s shop
- ccr
- corn/carriage house
- ccs
- corn/carriage house/stable
- cct
- carpet & curtain store
- ccw
- china & crockery store/warehouse
- cda
- compting room/dairy
- cdb
- confectionary/boarding house/dwelling
- cdc
- clothing store/dwelling/covered way/addition
- cdd
- coach depository/dwelling
- cde
- coal/lodging rooms
- cdg
- carriage depository/general storage
- cdh
- confectionary/shoe store/dwelling
- cdi
- cook shop/dwelling
- cdk
- commission store/dwelling/kitchen
- cdl
- candle house
- cdo
- clothing store/shoe store/dwelling
- cdp
- coach depository
- cdr
- currying shop/drying room
- cds
- carriage depository/saddler’s shop
- cdt
- clothing store/dwelling/kitchen/tailor’s workshop
- cdw
- coffee house/dwelling
- cdy
- confectionary/dwelling/stairway
- cfa
- confectionary/dwelling/addition
- cfb
- confectionary/book binding
- cfd
- confectionary/dwelling
- cff
- commission store/office
- cfg
- confectionary/fancy store
- cfh
- coffee house
- cfi
- confectionary/wing
- cfl
- confectionary/lottery office/dwelling
- cfm
- carpenter’s shop/office/storing room
- cfo
- carpenter & finishing shop/smith shop
- cfp
- carriage factory/shop
- cfr
- confectionary/school rooms
- cfs
- confectioner’s shop
- cft
- confectionary/fruit store
- cfw
- cabinet maker’s shop/furniture warehouse
- cfy
- confectionary/dry goods store
- cga
- clothing store/daguerrean gallery
- cgc
- china & glass & crockery store/warehouse
- cgd
- carver & gilder’s store/dwelling
- cgf
- commission store/general storage/office
- cgg
- compting room/general storage
- cgh
- compting/scale house
- cgl
- carriage house/lodging rooms
- cgo
- clothing store
- cgr
- clothing store/grocery
- cgs
- commission store/general storage
- cgy
- commission store/general storage/grocery
- cha
- chapel
- chc
- cow house/coal house
- chd
- china store/dwelling
- che
- coal/hen house
- chf
- chair factory
- chg
- chairmaker’s shop/dwelling
- chh
- chicken house
- chl
- church/lecture room
- chm
- chairmaker’s shop
- chn
- church/addition
- cho
- chocolate house/dwelling
- chp
- coal house/porch
- chr
- chair house
- chs
- china shop or store
- chs
- compting house/currying shop
- cht
- carriage house/hay loft
- chu
- church
- chw
- counting house/warehouse
- chx
- coach and saddle shop/dwelling
- chy
- china & crockery store
- cid
- cigar store/dwelling
- cig
- cigar store
- cih
- city/town hall
- cim
- cigar manufactory
- cip
- cigar store/printing office
- ciw
- cigar manufactory/dwelling
- ckd
- cake shop/dwelling
- cki
- collonade/kitchen
- cks
- counting house/kitchen/smoke house
- ckt
- tobacco factory/counting room/dwelling/kitchen
- cla
- clay house
- cld
- clothing store/dwelling/wing or addition
- clf
- cooper shop/lumber house/office
- clg
- carriage maker’s shop/lumber house/granary
- clh
- coach/lumber house
- cli
- classical institute
- cll
- clothing store/lumber house
- clm
- car shop/lumber house
- clo
- clerk’s office
- clp
- chapel/school house
- clq
- commission store/liquor store
- clr
- cellar
- cls
- class rooms
- clt
- clothing store/dwelling
- clu
- china store/lumber house
- clw
- coal/wood house
- cma
- comb manufactory
- cmb
- carriage maker’s shop/blacksmith
- cmc
- commission store/compting rooms
- cmd
- counting house/dwelling
- cme
- millinery shop/confectionary store/dwelling
- cmg
- comb manufactory/dwelling
- cmh
- compting house/counting house
- cmi
- chair manufactory/dwelling
- cmk
- cabinet maker’s shop/kitchen
- cml
- commission store/lumber house
- cmm
- commission store
- cmn
- coach maker’s shop/addition
- cmp
- coach maker’s shop/paint room
- cmr
- compting room
- cms
- carriage maker’s shop
- cmt
- commission house/dwelling/store
- cmw
- carriage maker’s shop/dwelling
- cmx
- coach maker’s shop/carriage room
- cmy
- cabinet manufactory
- cmz
- cabinet manufactory/dwelling
- cnf
- canal office
- cns
- constable’s office/dwelling
- coa
- coal house
- cob
- cooper’s shop/basketmakers
- coc
- cotton factory/compting room/office
- cod
- coach maker’s shop/depository
- coe
- cooper shop/office
- cof
- cotton factory
- cog
- cooper shop/dwelling
- coh
- court house
- cok
- corn kiln
- col
- college
- com
- country mill
- con
- convalescent house
- coo
- cook house/shop
- cop
- cow house/privy
- cor
- counting house or room
- cos
- cooper shop
- cot
- custom house/storage room/office
- cov
- core oven
- cow
- covered way
- cpb
- carpenter’s shop/bake house
- cpc
- carriage house/paint room/currying shop
- cph
- cooper’s house
- cpk
- compting room/kitchen
- cpl
- cooper shop/lumber house
- cpr
- car shop
- cps
- cooper shop/stable
- cpt
- carpentry/planing/turning shop
- cpy
- coal house/privy
- cra
- crockery store/addition
- crb
- corn house/barn
- crc
- corn crib
- crd
- crockery store/dwelling
- cre
- coach ware room/dwelling
- crg
- carriage house/shed
- crh
- carriage room/shop
- crk
- compting house/bath house/kitchen
- crl
- currying shop/leather store
- crm
- corn mill
- crn
- corn house
- cro
- compting room/office
- crp
- carriage shop
- crr
- carriage house/store room
- crs
- corn crib/stable
- crt
- cart house
- crw
- carriage house/workshop
- cry
- crockery store
- csa
- clothing store/shoe store/dwelling/addition
- csb
- counting room/sleeping room
- csc
- carriage shop/currying room
- csd
- cashier’s dwelling
- cse
- cabinet shop/dwelling
- csf
- cabinet shop/office
- csg
- commission store/grocery
- csg
- copper smith’s shop/dwelling
- csh
- custom house
- csi
- cooper shop/lodging rooms
- csk
- cooper shop/kitchen
- csl
- cabinet shop/lumber house
- csm
- candle & soap manufactory or factory
- csn
- commission store/dwelling
- cso
- clothing store/office
- csp
- c shop
- csr
- currying shop/counting rooms
- css
- cabinet shop/shed
- cst
- corner store
- csv
- carriage house/servant’s rooms
- csw
- coach maker’s shop/ware room
- csx
- coal house/servant’s room/smoke house
- csy
- counting house/stemmery
- ctd
- clothing store/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- ctg
- corset maker’s shop/dwelling
- cth
- cartman’s house
- ctm
- cotton manufactory
- ctp
- confectionary/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- cts
- carriage maker’s trimming shop
- ctw
- confectionary/store/dwelling
- cud
- custom house/dwelling
- cul
- currying shop/lodgings
- cum
- custom house/lumber house
- cup
- curryier’s shop
- cus
- currying shop/room/house
- cut
- cutler’s & instrument maker/dwelling
- cuw
- cabinet maker’s shop/furniture room/dwelling
- cvd
- confectionary/restorative/dwelling
- cvp
- china & variety store/printing office
- cvr
- church/vestry room
- cvw
- confectionary/dwelling/variety store
- cwa
- cotton warehouse
- cwb
- coal/wood house/stable
- cwd
- cabinet ware room/dwelling
- cwf
- car wheel foundry
- cwg
- carriage ware room/dwelling
- cwh
- cow house
- cwi
- coal/wood house/lodging rooms
- cwk
- coal house/work shop
- cwl
- cotton store/dwelling
- cwm
- cabinet ware room/house
- cwo
- carriage house/wood house
- cwr
- cabinet maker’s shop/ware room
- cws
- carriage ware room/ harnessing shop
- cws
- carriage ware room/workshop
- cwt
- cow house/servant’s rooms
- cww
- cow house/wood house
- cwy
- coal/wood house/privy
- cyf
- candy factory or house
- cyh
- confectionary/hat store
- cys
- commisary/store house
- cyw
- cigar factory/wing
- dai
- dairy
- dam
- dairy/meat house
- dap
- dwelling/addition/porch
- das
- dairy/smoke house
- dat
- dairy/store room
- daw
- dwelling/addition/wing
- day
- dwelling/addition/stairway
- dbh
- dwelling/boarding house
- dbk
- dwelling/bake shop
- dbo
- dwelling/boarding house/office
- dbp
- dwelling/boarding house/office/paint shop
- dbr
- distilling/brew house
- dbu
- dwelling/building
- dbv
- dwelling/boarding house/vault
- dbw
- dwelling/bath house/wing
- dcd
- dry goods store/clothing store/dwelling
- dcg
- dry goods store/china store/dwelling
- dch
- dining room/chamber/kitchen/servant’s room
- dck
- dwelling/compting room/kitchen
- dcp
- dwelling/work shop
- dcr
- dwelling/compting room
- dcs
- dwelling/currying shop
- dcw
- dwelling/coal & wood house
- dcy
- dwelling/covered way
- dda
- dwelling/dairy
- ddd
- dry goods store/drug store/dwelling
- dde
- dry goods store/shoe store/dwelling
- ddg
- dry goods store/dwelling/carpet room
- ddi
- drug store/dwelling/addition
- ddm
- dwelling/dairy/smoke house
- ddn
- dry goods store/dwelling/addition
- ddr
- dwelling/dining room
- dds
- dry goods store/dwelling/store room
- ddt
- drug store/dwelling/store
- dem
- demijohn manufactory
- den
- dentist office/dwelling
- dep
- depository/pattern house
- dey
- dining room/entry
- dga
- dry goods store/apothecary shop
- dgc
- dry goods store/clothing store
- dgd
- dry goods store/dwelling
- dge
- dry goods store/sleeping rooms
- dgf
- dry goods store/furniture exhibition room
- dgg
- dry goods store/grocery
- dgh
- dry goods store/boarding house
- dgi
- dry goods store/addition
- dgk
- dry goods store/kitchen
- dgl
- dry goods store/lumber house
- dgm
- dry goods store/millinery store
- dgn
- dwelling/green house
- dgo
- dry goods store/office
- dgp
- dry goods store/compting room
- dgr
- dry goods store/ware room
- dgs
- dry goods store
- dgu
- gunsmith shop/dwelling
- dgw
- dry goods store/grocery/dwelling
- dhs
- dry goods store/hardware store
- dib
- distillery/bake house
- dic
- dwelling/ice house
- dih
- dining house/room
- dir
- dining room/servant’s rooms
- dis
- distillery
- dka
- dwelling/kitchen/addition
- dkc
- dwelling/kitchen/covered way
- dkm
- dwelling/kitchen/collonade
- dkr
- dining room/kitchen/servant’s rooms
- dks
- dairy/kitchen/smoke house
- dkw
- dining room/kitchen/wood & coal house
- dlg
- dwelling/lumber house/grocery
- dlh
- distillery/lumber house
- dlo
- dry goods store/lodging rooms
- dls
- dairy/smoke house/laundry
- dlu
- dwelling/laundry
- dlw
- dwelling/stairway/wing
- dmd
- dry goods store/compting room/dwelling
- dms
- drug store/music saloon
- dmw
- dairy/meat house/well
- dnk
- dining room/kitchen
- dob
- dentist office/boarding house
- dod
- domestic store/dwelling
- dog
- doctor’s shop/office/dwelling
- dok
- dwelling/office/kitchen
- dop
- dispatch office/printing establishment
- dor
- dormatories
- dpb
- dwelling/porch/water closet/bath house
- dpc
- dwelling/porter’s cellar
- dpg
- dwelling/porch/wing or shed
- dph
- dwelling/porter’s house
- dpk
- dwelling/porch/kitchen
- dpo
- depository for ornaments
- dpw
- dwelling/porter’s cellar/wings
- drb
- Doric building
- drc
- dining room/covered way
- drd
- drug shop/dwelling
- dre
- dress making shop/dwelling
- dro
- drug store/office
- drp
- dressing shop
- drr
- dining house/chamber
- drs
- drug store
- drt
- tailor’s shop/doctor’s shop
- drw
- driving wheel
- dry
- drying house
- dsa
- dwelling/store room/kitchen/wing or addition
- dsc
- dwelling/stairway/porch
- dsd
- dwelling/shed
- dse
- doctor’s shop/store/dwelling
- dsg
- dwelling/school room/wing
- dsh
- doctor’s shop
- dsi
- drug store/silversmith shop/dwelling
- dsk
- doctor’s shop/kitchen
- dsl
- doctor’s shop/lumber house
- dsm
- dwelling/servant’s rooms
- dsn
- dwelling/shed/addition or wing
- dso
- dwelling/store house or room
- dsp
- doctor’s shop/office/apothecary
- dsr
- doctor’s shop/ware room
- dss
- doctor’s shop/store
- dst
- dwelling/study
- dsu
- drug store/store/lumber house
- dsw
- doctor’s shop/dwelling
- dsy
- dwelling/stairway
- dte
- dwelling& tenement
- dtf
- tobacco factory/dwelling
- dtp
- doctor’s shop/tinner’s shop
- dts
- discount store/dwelling
- duh
- duck house
- dw#
- dwellings
- dwa
- dwelling/addition
- dwb
- dwelling/stairway/wing/bath house
- dwc
- dwelling/coal house
- dwe
- dwelling
- dwg
- dwelling/grocery
- dwh
- dry well house
- dwk
- dwelling/kitchen
- dwl
- dwelling/wing/kitchen/laundry
- dwn
- dwelling/wing/kitchen
- dwo
- dwelling/office
- dwp
- dwelling/porch
- dwr
- dwelling/wing/porch
- dws
- dwelling/shop
- dwu
- dwelling/wash house
- dwv
- dwelling & vault in front
- dww
- dwelling/wing
- dwx
- dwelling/wing/passage
- dyd
- dying and cleaning establishment/dwelling
- dye
- dying establishment/dwelling
- dyr
- dying rooms
- dyw
- dairy/washhouse
- eat
- eating house
- ebj
- exchange & broker’s office/jewelry store
- ecd
- exchange clothing store/dwelling
- ech
- exchange
- edd
- eating house/dwelling/addition
- egd
- eating house/dwelling
- end
- engraver’s shop/dwelling
- eng
- engine house
- enk
- entry/kitchen
- enm
- engine manufactory
- ent
- entry
- epo
- examiner’s printing office
- ess
- earthen & stoneware store
- eti
- Electro Therapeutic Institute
- ets
- engine house/turning shop
- exb
- exchange & broker’s office
- exc
- exchange coffee house
- exd
- exchange office/dwelling
- exh
- exhibition room or hall
- exp
- exchange office/pistol gallery
- ext
- exchange tavern
- exw
- express office/dwelling
- fac
- female academy
- fad
- fancy store/dwelling
- fal
- fancy store/lodging rooms
- fam
- fancy store or room
- fav
- fancy/variety store
- fay
- family room
- fcd
- female academy/dwelling
- fda
- furniture store/dwelling/addition
- fee
- foundry/engine house
- feh
- feeding house
- fei
- female institute
- fes
- female seminary
- ffa
- foundry/furnace/air stack/shed/addition
- ffd
- foundry/furnace/addition
- ffh
- foundry/furnace house
- fic
- finishing & carpenter shop
- fid
- finding store/dwelling
- fig
- flour inspector’s office/dwelling
- fih
- fisherman’s house
- fin
- finishing shop
- fip
- finishing/pattern shop
- fis
- fish house
- fla
- flour mill/addition/shed
- fld
- flour mill/shed
- flm
- flour mill
- fls
- flour store
- fmb
- finishing shop/model room/blacksmith shop
- fmd
- frame maker’s shop/dwelling
- fmm
- finishing shop/model room/boring mill
- fmr
- finishing shop/model room
- fms
- fancy & millinery store
- foa
- female orphan asylum
- fom
- foundry/moulding rooms
- fos
- foundry/shed
- fou
- foundry
- fpd
- fancy & picture store/dwelling
- fps
- foundry/pattern shop
- frb
- front building
- frd
- furniture store or room/dwelling
- frg
- forge
- frl
- french lodge
- fsd
- female seminary/dwelling
- fsm
- furniture store/manufactory
- fss
- foundry/smith shop
- fst
- foundry/stove manufactory
- fud
- furniture depository
- fum
- furniture manufactory
- fus
- furniture store
- fut
- furniture manufactory/tavern
- fwm
- furniture wareroom/manufactory/lumber house/store
- gad
- grocery/addition
- gap
- grocery/addition/porch
- gaw
- granary/dwelling
- gbc
- grocery and bread store/carriage maker’s shop
- gbd
- grocery/bacon store/dwelling
- gbm
- gun boring machine
- gbr
- grocery and bread store/dwelling
- gbt
- glass store/book bindery/tin shop
- gbw
- grocery/boarding house/dwelling/wing
- gcc
- glass & crockery store/compting room
- gcd
- glass/china store/dwelling
- gce
- grocery/confectionary/dwelling
- gcf
- grocery/coffee house
- gcg
- grocery/compting room
- gch
- granary/cow house
- gci
- grocery/commission store/dwelling
- gcl
- glass & crockery lumber house/ladies working room
- gcm
- grocery/commission store/lumber house
- gcn
- grocery/confectionary
- gco
- grocery/commission store
- gcu
- glass & crockery lumber house
- gcw
- glass & crockery store/dwelling
- gda
- granary/dairy
- gdc
- grocery/dwelling/chandling shop
- gdc
- grocery/dwelling/compting room
- gdd
- grocery/dwelling/addition or shed
- gdh
- gardener’s house
- gdi
- grist mill/distillery
- gdk
- grocery/dwelling/kitchen
- gdl
- grocery/lumber house/dwelling
- gdn
- granary/dwelling/addition
- gds
- grocery/dwelling/shed/addition
- gdv
- grocery/dwelling/covered way
- gdw
- grocery/dwelling/wing
- gdy
- green house/dairy
- gec
- gear clipping house
- ged
- general storage/dwelling
- gen
- general storage
- ggd
- grocery/granary/dwelling
- ggp
- grocery/gunsmith shop
- ggs
- grocery/general storage house
- ghd
- grocery/hatter’s shop/dwelling
- ghn
- granary/hen house
- gid
- gilding store/dwelling
- gih
- granary & iron house
- glc
- glass & crockery store
- gld
- glassware shop/dwelling
- glg
- grocery/lumber house/wing
- glh
- grocery/lumber house
- glk
- glass works
- glm
- glass manufactory
- gly
- glass depository
- gmd
- grocery/meal store/dwelling
- gmh
- granary/machine house
- gml
- grocery/meal store
- gms
- grocery/metal store
- gnd
- grocery/gun store/dwelling
- gof
- grocery/office
- got
- Gothic building
- gpd
- grocery & pipe store/dwelling
- gpo
- grocery/porter’s house
- gra
- granary
- grc
- granary/carriage house
- grd
- grocery/dwelling
- gre
- green house
- grh
- garden house
- gri
- grain house
- grl
- grocery/liquor store
- grm
- grist mill
- gro
- grocery
- grp
- green house/porch
- grs
- granary/shed
- grt
- granary/threshing machine
- grw
- green house/wine house
- gry
- green house/privy
- gsd
- grocery/shoe store/dwelling
- gse
- grocery/shed
- gsh
- granary/spinning house
- gsk
- gun smith shop/kitchen
- gsn
- grocery/stairway/dwelling/wing
- gso
- grocery/saddle shop
- gsp
- grocery/painter’s shop
- gss
- gun smith shop
- gst
- granary/store house
- gsw
- grocery/stairway/dwelling
- gsy
- general storage/stemmery
- gtd
- grocery/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- gtm
- grocery/tobacco manufactory
- gto
- grocery/tobacco house
- gts
- grocery/tailor’s shop
- gud
- guard house
- guk
- gun store/kitchen
- gus
- gun store/storage house
- gwa
- grocery/warehouse
- gwh
- granary/ware house
- gwo
- glass works/office
- gys
- granary/servant’s house
- hac
- hat & cap store
- had
- hatter’s shop/dwelling
- haf
- hat factory
- hak
- hatter’s shop/kitchen
- hal
- hatter’s shop/lumber house
- ham
- hardware store/millinery shop
- hao
- hardware store/office
- hap
- hotel/apothecary shop
- has
- hatter’s shop
- haw
- hall & dwelling
- hay
- hay house
- hcd
- hardware store/compting room/dwelling
- hco
- hardware store/compting room/office
- hcr
- hardware store/compting room
- hcw
- hat & cap store/ware house/vault
- hda
- hardware store/dwelling/addition
- hdd
- hardware store/dentist office/dwelling
- hdg
- hatter’s store/Daguarrean Gallery
- hdo
- hotel/dining room/office
- hdw
- hatter’s dye & wash house
- hem
- hemp mill
- hen
- hen house
- hes
- hotel stable
- hgs
- hardware store/general storage
- hle
- hat & leather store
- hls
- hotel/stores
- hmd
- harness maker’s shop/dwelling
- hmh
- hemming house
- hml
- hat manufactory/lumber house
- hms
- harness maker’s shop
- hod
- hotel/dwelling
- hoe
- house of entertainment (private)
- hof
- hat store/office
- hom
- horse mill
- hos
- hospital
- hot
- hotel
- how
- hotel/wings
- hsa
- hardware store/addition
- hsc
- hatter’s shop/clothing store
- hsd
- hardware store/dwelling
- hse
- house [only if listed in pol]
- hsg
- hat store/wing
- hsh
- house/shed
- hso
- hat & shoe store
- hsp
- hatter’s shop & store
- hss
- hatter’s & saddler’s shop
- hst
- hatter’s store
- hsw
- hat store/ware house
- htd
- hatter’s shop/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- hts
- harness & trimmings shop
- htw
- hat & tin ware store
- htw
- hotel tavern & wing
- hud
- huckster’s shop/dwelling
- hus
- huckster’s shop
- hwh
- hardware store/ware house
- hwk
- hat ware room/kitchen
- hws
- hardware store
- ibf
- iron & brass foundry
- icd
- ice house/dairy
- icg
- inspector’s counting house
- ich
- ice house
- idc
- iron depository/cutting house
- imp
- improvement
- inl
- iron & nail store/lumber house
- ins
- insurance office
- iod
- insurance office/dwelling
- iof
- inspector’s office/
- irf
- iron foundry
- isc
- ice house/stable/carriage house
- ish
- inspector’s office/scale house
- iso
- iron store/dwelling
- isr
- iron store/lodging rooms
- iss
- insurance office/saloon
- itv
- Italian villa
- jbd
- jeweler’s store/butter depot
- jbh
- jeweler’s store/boarding house
- jcs
- joiner’s shop/chair maker’s shop
- jda
- jeweler’s store/dwelling/addition
- jdd
- jeweler’s store/dry goods store/dwelling
- jew
- jeweler’s workshop
- jfa
- jeweler’s store/fancy store/addition
- jld
- jeweler’s store/lottery office
- jll
- jeweler’s store/library/lodging rooms
- jls
- jeweler’s store
- jod
- joiner’s shop/dwelling
- joh
- joiner’s house
- jos
- joiner’s shop
- jpd
- jeweler’s store/piano store/dwelling
- jsc
- jail/stable/carriage house
- jsd
- jeweler’s store/dwelling
- jso
- jeweler’s store/office
- jud
- junk store/dwelling
- kba
- kitchen/bathing room
- kbb
- kitchen/back building
- kbd
- kitchen/bath house/addition
- kbh
- kitchen/bake house
- kbl
- kitchen/bake house/oven/lumber house
- kbo
- kitchen/bake house/oven
- kbs
- kitchen/bake house/oven/lumber house/sweat house
- kby
- kitchen/bath house/privy
- kca
- kitchen/carriage house
- kcd
- kitchen/coal/wood house
- kce
- kitchen/cellar
- kcl
- kitchen/carriage/lumber house
- kco
- kitchen/coal house
- kcr
- kitchen/cooking range
- kcs
- kitchen/coal house/smoke house
- kcw
- kitchen/covered way
- kda
- kitchen/dairy
- kdi
- kitchen/dining room
- kdp
- kitchen/dining room/shop
- kds
- kitchen/dairy/smoke house
- kga
- kitchen/gangway
- kgh
- kitchen/green house
- kgr
- kitchen/granary
- khm
- kitchen/horse mill
- kia
- kitchen/addition
- kii
- kitchen/ice house
- kip
- kitchen/pantry
- kit
- kitchen
- kiy
- kitchen/necessary
- kkh
- dining house/chambers/kitchen
- klc
- kitchen/laundry/carriage house
- kld
- kitchen/laundry/dairy
- klg
- kitchen/laundry/green house
- klh
- kitchen/lumber house/shed
- kll
- kitchen/laundry/lodging rooms
- klm
- kitchen/laundry/smoke house
- klo
- kitchen/lodging rooms
- klp
- kitchen/laundry/privy
- kls
- kitchen/laundry/servant’s rooms
- klt
- kitchen/lodging rooms/stairway
- klu
- kitchen/lumber house
- kmh
- kitchen/miller’s house
- kms
- kitchen/smoke house
- knd
- kitchen/negro dwelling
- knu
- kitchen/nursery
- knw
- kitchen/nursery/coal & wood house
- kph
- kitchen/porter’s house
- kpi
- kitchen/piazza
- kpl
- kitchen/porter’s cellar/lumber house
- kpo
- kitchen/porch
- kps
- kitchen/smoke house/privy
- ksc
- kitchen/servant’s room/coal house
- ksd
- kitchen/shed
- kse
- kitchen/servant’s room/shed/work room
- ksh
- kitchen/servant’s house or room
- ksi
- kitchen/sitting room
- ksp
- kitchen/shop
- ksr
- kitchen/storeroom
- kss
- kitchen/smoke house/shed
- kst
- kitchen/stable
- ksw
- kitchen/servant’s room/cow house/wood & coal house
- ksy
- kitchen/servant’s room/privy
- kt#
- kitchen tenements
- kte
- kitchen/entry
- ktl
- kitchen/laundry
- kts
- kitchen/spinning house
- ktw
- kitchen/washhouse
- kwa
- kitchen/watch house
- kwc
- kitchen/water closet
- kwh
- kitchen/wood house
- kwp
- kitchen/workshop
- kws
- kitchen/washhouse/smoke house
- lad
- lawyer’s office/dwelling
- lah
- lard house
- lal
- leather store/addition/lumber house
- las
- Lancastrian school house
- lau
- laundry
- law
- lawyers house or office
- lba
- lager beer saloon/boarding house/addition
- lbd
- lager beer saloon/dwelling
- lbf
- lottery & broker’s office
- lbg
- lottery office/boarding house
- lbh
- laundry/bath house
- lbi
- library/recitation rooms
- lbo
- leather store/boarding house
- lbt
- lodging rooms/bath house
- lca
- lumber house/compting/addition
- lcd
- lumber house/compting/dwelling
- lch
- lumber house/carriage house
- lco
- lumber house/coal house
- lcs
- lumber house/carriage house/stable
- lda
- laundry/dairy
- ldc
- leather store/lumber house
- lde
- lumber house/depository
- ldg
- leather store/dwelling/wing
- ldk
- laborer’s dwelling & kitchen
- ldm
- larding machine
- ldr
- lottery office/doctor’s shop
- lds
- leather dressing shop
- lds
- lottery office/dry goods store
- ldw
- loan office/dwelling
- lec
- leather store/compting room
- led
- leather shop/dwelling
- leh
- leather & hardware store
- ler
- lecture rooms
- les
- lecture room/study
- let
- lumber house/general storage/tobacco stemmery
- lfh
- locomotive finishing house
- lga
- lumber house/granary
- lgd
- lumber house/grocery/addition
- lgl
- looking glass room/laundry
- lgs
- lumber house/general storage
- lhb
- lottery office/hat store/boarding house
- lhc
- carpenter’s shop/lumber house
- lhd
- lumber house/shed
- lhl
- lumber house/lodging rooms
- lhs
- lumber house/stable
- lih
- lumber house/ice house
- liq
- liquor store
- lis
- livery stable
- llc
- lumber house/laundry/kitchen
- lld
- lodging rooms/dwelling
- llh
- leather store/dwelling/compting room
- llr
- laundry/lodging rooms
- loa
- loan office
- loc
- locomotive house
- lod
- lodging rooms/house
- loe
- lottery & exchange office
- lof
- lottery office
- loh
- lumber house/office/shed
- lop
- lodging rooms/privy
- lor
- lodging/recitation rooms
- los
- lodging/society rooms
- lot
- lottery office/dwelling
- low
- lawyer’s office/wing
- lro
- leather store or room
- lsc
- stable/carriage house/laundry
- lsd
- liquor store/distillery
- lsg
- store/dwelling/library room
- lsh
- lumber house/storage house
- lsh
- lumber house/storage house/addition
- lsl
- lumber house/servant’s lodging rooms
- lso
- livery stable/office
- lsp
- laundry/servant’s rooms/porch
- lsr
- laundry/servant’s rooms
- lss
- laundry/servant’s rooms/stable
- lst
- lithographic office/store
- lsw
- leather store/ware house
- ltm
- tobacco manufactory/lumber house
- ltr
- lottery office/tailor’s store/reading room
- lts
- lawyer’s office/tailor’s shop
- ltv
- lawyer’s office/tavern
- lua
- lumber house/addition or wing
- lub
- lumber house/bacon house
- luc
- lumber house/counting house
- lud
- lumber house/dairy
- lug
- lumber house/grocery
- luh
- lumber house
- lul
- lumber house/laundry
- luo
- lumber house/office
- luv
- lumber house/vinagre house
- luw
- lumber house/dwelling
- lwd
- lumber house/wood house
- lwh
- lumber house/warehouse
- lwk
- lumber house/work shop
- lwo
- lawyer’s office/store/addition
- lww
- lumber house/wheat ware house
- lyc
- lyceum
- maa
- market house/addition
- mab
- mane building(generic)
- mac
- machinery
- mad
- mantau store/dwelling
- mah
- masonic hall or lodge
- mal
- malt house
- mam
- manufacturing mill
- man
- mansion
- mao
- masonic hall/office
- mas
- machine shop
- mat
- marble tombstone shop
- mau
- mantau maker shop/dwelling
- may
- manufactory house
- mbe
- Methodist book establishment
- mcd
- merchant coffee house/dwelling
- mce
- machine shop/carpenter/engine room/pattern shop
- mch
- mechanic’s hall
- mcp
- machine shop/pattern house
- mcs
- manufactory/carpenter’s shop
- mda
- millinery shop/dwelling/addition
- mdd
- mantilla store/daguerrean gallery/dwelling
- mdk
- millinery shop/dwelling/kitchen
- mec
- merchant mill/corn kiln
- med
- medical store/dwelling
- meg
- machine shop/engine room
- meh
- meat house
- mel
- merchant mill/lumber house
- mem
- merchant mill
- mes
- medical shop
- mew
- meat house/dwellling
- mgd
- millinery shop/grocery/dwelling
- mgm
- manufacturing & grist mill
- mgs
- meat & grocery store
- mhb
- music store/hat store/boarding house
- mhd
- mill house/distillery
- mhl
- meeting house/lecture rooms
- mho
- meeting house
- mhp
- malt house/pump house
- mhs
- meeting house/school house
- mid
- millinery shop/dwelling
- mih
- mill house
- mil
- mill
- mim
- mill house/machinery
- mir
- miller’s house
- mis
- millinery shop or establishment
- mkh
- market house/town hall
- mls
- masonic lodge/school house
- mlu
- mill/lumber house
- mmd
- matress maker/dwelling
- mmh
- Methodist Meeting House
- mno
- manufactory office
- mpd
- music & piano store/dwelling
- mpf
- machine shop/printing foundry
- mpt
- masonic hall/post office/telegraph office
- mrd
- marine insurance office/dwelling
- msc
- merchant mill/corn/saw mill
- msd
- machine shop/dwelling
- mse
- meat store
- msh
- mill stone house
- mss
- mill stone shop
- mst
- mill/still house
- mta
- merchant tailor store
- mtd
- merchant tailor store/dwelling
- mts
- millinery shop/tailor’s shop/school room
- mtw
- millinery shop/tailor’s shop/dwelling
- mud
- music store/dwelling
- mus
- music building
- mwd
- millinery shop/watch maker’s shop/dwelling
- mwh
- mill/water wheels
- mws
- millwright’s shop
- myf
- millinery shop/fancy store
- naa
- nail factory/addition
- nam
- nail manufactory/factory
- nec
- negro cabin
- neh
- negro house
- nej
- negro jail
- nek
- negro kitchen
- neq
- negro quarters
- ney
- necessary
- njd
- negro jail/dwelling
- njo
- negro jail/office
- not
- no information
- nuh
- nurse’s house
- nus
- nursery
- nvd
- navy agent’s office/dwelling
- och
- office/coal & wood house
- ocp
- office/coal house/privy
- odk
- office/dwelling/kitchen
- odp
- office/depository/pattern shop
- odr
- office/dining room
- ods
- office/dwelling/shop
- ofa
- office/addition
- ofb
- odd fellow’s building or hall or lodge
- ofc
- office/conservatory
- ofd
- office/dwelling
- off
- office
- ofg
- office/green house
- ofk
- office/kitchen
- ofl
- office/library
- ofp
- office/foundry/finishing, pattern & smith shop
- ofr
- office/lodging rooms
- ofr
- office/servant’s rooms
- ofs
- office/smoke house
- oft
- office/tenements
- ofw
- office/wash house
- ofy
- office/privy
- ogm
- oil & grist mill
- okl
- office/kitchen/lodging rooms
- okw
- office/kitchen/wood house
- olp
- office/lodging rooms/portico
- ols
- office/lodging rooms/stable
- olw
- office/lumber house/ware house
- onh
- office/negro house
- opd
- optician store/dwelling
- ord
- ordinance store
- osc
- office/school room
- osh
- office/store house
- otb
- other building
- oub
- outbuilding
- out
- out house
- ovh
- overseer’s house
- ovk
- overseer’s kitchen
- ovl
- overseer’s house/lumber house
- owh
- office/ware house
- ows
- office/wood house
- oyd
- oyster’s house/dwelling
- oyh
- oyster house
- oys
- oyster & fish store
- pah
- pauper’s house
- pai
- paint shop
- pao
- painter’s shop/office
- pap
- paper mill
- par
- parsonage
- pat
- piano tuner/dwelling
- paw
- pantry/wash house
- pbh
- pop shop/boarding house
- pbs
- printing office/barber shop
- pdd
- printing office/addition
- pdo
- pattern depository/office
- pds
- printing office/doctor’s shop
- pdt
- post office/dwelling/store
- pdw
- paper store/dwelling
- pel
- porter establishment/lumber house
- pen
- penitentiary store
- peo
- periodical store/office
- pes
- printing & engraver’s shop
- pew
- pewterer’s shop
- pfg
- picture frame & gilding store/dwelling
- pgd
- print shop/grocery/dwelling/
- pgg
- penitentiary store/grocery/general storage
- pgs
- printing office/general storage
- phd
- paper hanging store/dwelling
- phr
- porch rooms
- phs
- president’s house
- phu
- paper hanging & upholsterer’s store
- phw
- poor house/wing
- pia
- piazza
- pib
- piano & book store
- pic
- picking house
- pid
- piano manufactory/dwelling
- pih
- pidgeon house
- pim
- piano manufactory
- pla
- plane manufactory/dwelling
- pld
- plough depository/manufactory
- plk
- plane manufactory/kiyvhrn
- plm
- plaster mill
- pln
- Portsmouth Naval Lodge
- plo
- printing office/lottery office
- pls
- plater’s shop
- pme
- plough & machine store
- pms
- plough maker’s shop
- poa
- porch/addition
- pob
- printing office/bookstore
- pod
- post office/dwelling
- pof
- post office
- poh
- poor house
- poi
- paint & oil store/shop
- pol
- post office/lumber house
- pom
- Powhite Mills
- poo
- printing office/office
- pop
- pop shop
- por
- porch or portico
- pos
- store/printing office
- pot
- potter’s shop
- pow
- powder mills
- ppd
- portrait painter/dwelling
- ppo
- post/printing office
- pra
- printing office/attorney’s office
- prd
- printing office/dwelling
- prh
- porter house
- pri
- prison
- prk
- printing office/kitchen
- pro
- painter’s room
- prr
- printing office/reading room
- prs
- printing office/storage house
- prt
- printing office
- prz
- prizing house
- psa
- printing office/saddler’s shop
- psc
- printing office/school room
- psd
- painter’s shop/dwelling
- pse
- plough & seed store/dwelling
- psh
- picking/storing house
- psm
- plough store/manufactory
- pso
- physican’s office/office
- psp
- printing office/shoe shop
- pss
- penitentiary store/saddler’s shop
- pst
- printing office/dwelling/store
- psw
- painter’s shop/shoe maker’s shop/dwelling
- pta
- printing office/agricultural store/addition
- pth
- potter’s house
- pti
- printing office/tin shop
- pto
- passenger shed/ticket office
- ptp
- porter’s shop/store
- pts
- physican’s office/tailor’s shop
- ptt
- packing/storage and sweat house
- pud
- paper hanging & upholsterer’s store/dwelling
- puh
- pump house
- pvs
- public vendue store
- pvy
- privy
- pwa
- privy/water closet/addition
- pwo
- piano store/work shop/dwelling
- pwo
- piano ware room/office
- qtr
- quarter
- qts
- quarter/stables
- rah
- rabbit house
- ras
- refectory/apothecary shop
- rcc
- Roman Catholic Church
- rda
- restorative/dwelling/addition
- rdg
- restaurant/dwelling
- rdh
- restaurant/dwelling/hat store
- rds
- restorative/dwelling/store
- rdw
- restorative/dwelling
- reb
- rectifying liquor store/dwelling
- red
- retail store/dwelling
- res
- repairing shop
- ret
- retail shop/store
- rew
- refectory/dwelling
- rhm
- rough manufactory
- rlh
- restorative/lumber house
- rma
- rooms above alley or arch
- rmf
- rolling mill & furnaces with water wheel
- roh
- rope house
- rom
- room (generic)
- rop
- rope walk/pump house
- row
- rope walk
- roy
- rope/yarn house
- rsm
- rolling & slitting mill
- rsn
- restaurant
- rst
- restorative
- rwh
- receiving ware house
- sab
- sailor’s boarding house
- sac
- saddler’s & tallow chandler’s shop
- sad
- saddler’s shop or saddlery
- sag
- saw mill/grist mill
- sah
- shoe & clothing store/addition
- sak
- savings bank
- sal
- salt house
- sam
- saw mill
- sao
- saddler’s shop/office
- saw
- saw house
- sba
- store/barbershop
- sbd
- shoe/boot store/dwelling
- sbh
- stable/bath house
- sbk
- stable/wood house/coal house
- sbl
- savings bank/lawyer’s office
- sbm
- stable/meat house
- sbn
- shoe & boot store/addition
- sbo
- store/boarding house
- sbr
- shoe/boot store/manufactory
- sbs
- stable/shed
- sbt
- stable/tobacco house
- sbu
- saddler’s shop/boarding house
- sbw
- store/boarding house/wing
- sby
- store/backery
- sca
- scale house
- scb
- stable/carriage house/bath house
- scc
- stable/carriage house/cow house
- scd
- smoke house/cider house
- sce
- screw house
- scf
- stable/carriage house/office
- scg
- stable/carriage house/granary
- sch
- school house
- sci
- stable/carriage house/smoke house/privy
- sck
- school house/kitchen
- scl
- school house/laundry
- scm
- store/compting house
- scn
- stable/cow house/servant’s rooms
- sco
- stable/cow house
- scp
- smoke house/coal house/privy
- scr
- school house/lecture rooms
- scs
- school house/servant’s rooms
- scs
- sweat house/cooper’s shop
- sct
- screw house/sweat house
- scu
- scouring shop/dwelling
- scv
- stable/carriage house/coal vault/servants rooms
- scw
- school house/dwelling
- scx
- stable/carriage house/wood & lumber house
- scy
- stable/carriage house/privy
- scz
- store house/coal house/rooms/smoke house
- sda
- store/dwelling/addition
- sdb
- store/dwelling/boarding house
- sdc
- store/dwelling/compting room
- sdd
- shoe store/dwelling/addition or shed
- sde
- store/dwelling/eating house
- sdg
- store/dwelling/wings
- sdh
- store/dwelling/shed
- sdk
- store/dwelling/kitchen
- sdl
- smoke house/dairy/lumber room
- sdm
- store/dining room
- sdn
- saddler’s shop/manufactory
- sdo
- store/dwelling/office
- sdp
- shoe store/dwelling/store room/workshop
- sdr
- shoe store/dwelling/store room
- sds
- school house/dwelling/shop
- sdt
- store/dwelling/tailor’s shop
- sdu
- shoe store/daguerrean galley
- sdw
- saddler’s shop/dwelling
- sdx
- shoe store/dwelling/shoe maker’s shop
- sdy
- shoe store/doctor’s shop/lawyer’s office
- sea
- seed & agricultural store
- sec
- servant’s house/coal house
- sed
- servant’s dwelling
- see
- sewing machine establishment
- sef
- servant’s & feed house
- seg
- sewing machine store/dwelling
- seh
- seal house
- sem
- seminary
- sen
- steam engine
- sep
- servant’s room/privy
- seq
- servant’s quarters
- ser
- servant’s room
- ses
- servant’s house/stable
- sew
- servant’s rooms/coal & wood house
- sff
- shoe store/office
- sfs
- store/finishing shop
- sgc
- stable/granary/carriage house
- sge
- straw goods establishment/dwelling
- sgh
- stemming house
- sgm
- steam grist & saw mill
- sgr
- stable/smoke house/lodging rooms
- sgs
- wholesale straw goods store
- sha
- servant’s hall
- shb
- shoe & boot store
- shc
- smoke house/carriage house
- shd
- shed (generic)
- she
- shoe & hat store/dwelling
- shf
- school/hall/office
- shg
- store house/wing
- shh
- stable/coach house
- shi
- shop change store
- shk
- shaking out room/kitchen
- shl
- smoke house/coal house
- shm
- saddler & harness maker’s shop/dwelling
- shn
- store house/lodging rooms
- sho
- servant’s house
- shp
- shop [generic]
- shs
- shoe store or shop
- sht
- shoe store/addition
- shw
- shoemaker’s shop/dwelling
- shx
- shoe & hat store/office
- sid
- silversmith shop/dwelling
- sik
- sitting room/kitchen
- sil
- silversmith shop
- sip
- ship broker’s office
- sit
- sitting room
- sjs
- silversmith/jewelry store
- skh
- shaking out house or room
- skl
- shoemaker’s shop/lumber house
- sks
- smoke house/shed
- skt
- sweat house/kitchen/stable
- sky
- servant’s room/smoke house/privy
- sla
- store/laundry
- slb
- sail loft/lumber house
- slc
- store/lumber house/compting room
- sld
- store/lumber house/dwelling
- sle
- sabbeth school/lecture room
- slf
- store/lumber house/office
- slg
- saddler’s shop/lumber house/dwelling
- slh
- slaughter house
- sli
- stable/carriage house/lumber house
- slk
- smoke house/lock room
- sll
- servant’s lodging rooms/laundry
- slm
- smoke house/lodging rooms
- sln
- store/lumber house/addition
- slo
- store/lodging rooms
- slp
- store/lumber house/printing office
- slr
- stable/lodging rooms
- sls
- shoe/leather store
- slt
- store/sail loft
- slu
- smoke house/laundry
- slw
- sail maker’s loft/warehouse
- sly
- servant’s rooms/laundry/coal & wood house
- sma
- smoke house/addition
- smb
- seminary/boarding house
- smc
- smoke house/meat house
- smd
- smoke house/dwelling
- smf
- shoe store/manufactory
- smg
- smoke house/granary
- smh
- smoke house
- smi
- steam mill
- smk
- smoke house/chicken house
- sml
- smoke house/lumber house
- smn
- smoke house/necessary
- smo
- store house/smoke house/necessary
- smp
- smoke house/shop
- sms
- shoemaker’s shop
- smt
- smith shop
- smw
- steam mill/wing
- smy
- stemmery
- snd
- snack house/dwelling
- soa
- soap factory
- soc
- smoke house/coal & wood house
- sod
- store/shed
- sof
- store/oil factory
- sol
- stage office/lodging house
- son
- school house/addition
- soo
- shoe store/store room/work shop
- sop
- saloon/office/paint shop
- sos
- stable/carriage/office/servant’s house
- sow
- smoke house/wood shed
- spb
- sail maker’s shop/painter’s shop/carpenter’s shop/blockmakers shop
- spd
- spring house/dairy
- sph
- spinning house
- spo
- store/post office
- spp
- steel workshop
- spr
- spring house
- spw
- spinning/weaving house
- spy
- smoke house/privy
- sra
- storage house or room
- src
- stable/carriage house/cow house/servants rooms
- srl
- store house/lumber house
- srm
- store house/servant rooms
- sro
- servant’s lodging rooms
- srp
- store room/workshop
- srw
- store/compting room/wing
- ssa
- store/coal house
- ssb
- stationary & book store
- ssc
- smith shop/compting room
- ssd
- shoe store/dwelling
- sse
- salting/storing house
- ssg
- stable/spring house
- ssh
- sunday school house or room
- ssk
- shoe shop/kitchen
- ssl
- store/school
- ssm
- servant’s room/smoke house
- sso
- store/storing house
- ssp
- stable/shop
- ssr
- stable/carriage/servant’s sleeping room
- sss
- store/stables
- sst
- stove store/dwelling
- ssu
- shoe store/lumber house
- ssv
- stable/servant’s rooms
- ssw
- saddler’s shop/store house/dwelling/
- ssx
- store room/servant’s rooms/coal house
- ssy
- smoke house/store room/dairy
- sta
- stable
- stb
- stable/barn
- stc
- stable/carriage house
- std
- store/dwelling
- ste
- steward’s house
- stf
- store house/office
- stg
- stable/granary
- sth
- store house/room
- sti
- still house
- stk
- store/kitchen
- stl
- store/lumber house
- stm
- stable/smoke house
- stn
- stable/corn house
- sto
- store
- stp
- stable/pigeon house
- str
- storing house
- sts
- store/smoke house
- stt
- store house/counting room
- stu
- study
- stw
- stable/dwelling
- stx
- store/exchange
- sty
- stable/tobacco factory
- sug
- sugar refinery
- suh
- summer house
- suk
- student rooms/kitchen
- svw
- servant’s room/wood house
- swa
- servant’s room/wash house
- swc
- store/warehouse/compting room
- swd
- dwelling/shop/wing
- swe
- sweat house
- swf
- sweat house/office
- swg
- saddler’s shop/dwelling/wing or addition
- swh
- store/warehouse
- swi
- store/wing
- swk
- sweat house/kitchen
- swl
- sweat house/lumber house
- swm
- stable/windmill
- swn
- stable/wings
- swo
- shoe store/ware house
- swp
- shed with press
- sws
- sweat house/stable
- swt
- sweat house/compting room
- sww
- store/dwelling/ware house
- swy
- servant’s room/smoke house/wood house/privy
- swy
- stairway
- syd
- shoe manufactory/dwelling
- syn
- synagogue
- tab
- tailor’s shop/boarding house
- tad
- tailor’s shop/dwelling
- tag
- tanning shop
- tak
- tailor’s shop/kitchen
- tan
- tanning house
- tao
- tavern/office
- tas
- tailor’s shop
- tat
- tavern/tailor’s shop
- tau
- tavern/auction store
- tav
- tavern
- tbd
- tanner’s shop/dwelling
- tbd
- tobacco store/dwelling
- tbh
- Tanbark Hall
- tbm
- tobacco box manufactory
- tbo
- tavern/bookstore
- tbp
- turner’s & blacksmith’s shop
- tbs
- tobacco manufactory/sweat house
- tbw
- tobacco store/ware house
- tca
- turner’s & carpenter’s shop
- tcf
- tobacco/cigar factory or manufactory
- tcg
- tailor’s shop/clothing store
- tch
- tavern or coffee house
- tck
- tobacco manufactory/covered way/lock room
- tcl
- tobacco factory/covered way/lock room
- tcm
- tavern/cigar manufactory
- tco
- tavern/confectionary shop
- tcp
- tin & copper manufactory/private entertainment
- tcr
- tin and coppersmith’s shop/counting rooms
- tcs
- tin and coppersmith’s shop
- tcy
- tin and coppersmith factory
- tda
- tavern/dwelling/addition
- tdc
- tanning/drying/currying shop
- tdd
- tailor’s shop/dry goods store/dwelling
- tdf
- tavern/dwelling/office
- tdg
- tavern/dry goods store
- tdh
- tavern/dwelling/shed
- tdi
- tavern/dining room
- tdl
- tailor’s shop/dwelling/wing or addition
- tdn
- tin shop/dwelling/addition
- tdo
- tailor’s shop/dwelling/office
- tdp
- tin ware depository store/dwelling
- tdr
- trimmer’s shop/deposit room
- tds
- tavern/dwelling/store
- tdt
- tavern/dwelling/hat store
- tdu
- tavern/drug store
- tdv
- trimming & variety store/dwelling
- tdw
- tin and coppersmith’s shop/dwelling/wing
- ted
- tea store/dwelling
- teg
- telegraph office/grocery
- teh
- towell house
- tel
- telegraph office
- ten
- tenement
- tfc
- tobacco factory/counting room
- tff
- tailor’s shop/office
- tfl
- tobacco factory/office/stemmery/lumber house
- tfo
- tobacco factory/office
- tfs
- tobacco factory/sweat house
- tfw
- tobacco factory/ware house
- tfy
- tobacco factory/stemmery
- tga
- tavern/grocery/addition
- tgd
- tavern/grocery/dwelling
- tgo
- tavern/dry goods store/office
- tgr
- tavern/grocery
- tgs
- tinner’s shop/dry goods store
- tha
- tavern/hardware store
- thc
- town hall/school house
- thd
- tavern/hardware store/dwelling
- the
- tavern/hat store
- thi
- Tompsonian Infirmary
- thl
- town hall
- ths
- tobacco hanging house/store
- thw
- telegraph office/dwelling
- tia
- tin & iron store/manufactory/dwelling/addition
- tid
- tin shop/dwelling
- tig
- tin & iron store/dwelling
- tik
- tin shop/kitchen
- tim
- tin manufactory
- tio
- tobacco warehouse/inspection office
- tip
- tinner’s store/workshop
- tis
- tinner’s shop or tinner’s workshop
- tit
- tin & sheet iron store
- tiw
- tinsmith’s workshop
- tkc
- tailor’s shop/kitchen/covered way
- tld
- tin shop/lumber house/dwelling
- tle
- tailoring establishment
- tlh
- tobacco/lumber house
- tlq
- tobacco factory/liquorice room
- tlu
- tailor’s shop/lumber house
- tmc
- tobacco manufactory/commission store
- tmd
- tobacco manufactory/dwelling
- tmg
- tin manufactory/dwelling
- tmp
- temperance hall
- tms
- temperance hall/store
- tmw
- tobacco manufactory/wing
- tnc
- tan/currying house
- tnd
- tobacco warehouse/negro dwelling
- tn#
- tenements
- toa
- tobacco manufactory/office/carpenters shop
- tob
- tobacco barn
- toc
- tobacco screw
- tod
- Tompsonian Infirmary/dwelling
- toe
- tobacco shed
- tof
- tobacco factory
- toh
- tobacco house
- tol
- toll house
- tom
- tobacco manufactory
- top
- tobacco packing house
- tos
- tobacco shop or store
- tov
- tobacco manufactory/vault
- tow
- tobacco warehouse
- tpf
- temperance hall/offices
- tph
- tobacco prizing house
- tpo
- tavern/storehouse/wing/post office
- tpt
- tavern/post office
- tpw
- tailor’s shop/printing office/dwelling
- tra
- trimming store/addition
- trd
- tailor’s shop/store/dwelling
- trg
- trimming store/dwelling
- trh
- transfer house
- trs
- tailor’s shop/store
- trw
- tin & iron warehouse
- tsb
- tavern stable
- tsc
- tin shop/counting room
- tsd
- tavern/saloon/dwelling
- tse
- tailor’s shop/saddler’s shop/store house
- tsf
- tobacco storing/finishing house
- tsg
- tin shop/shoe store/dwelling
- tsh
- tobacco factory/screw house
- tsi
- tavern/store/wing
- tsm
- tobacco manufactory/snuff mill
- tso
- tailor’s shop/printing office
- tsp
- tobacco stemmery/prizing house
- tsq
- tobacco factory/screw room/sweat house
- tsr
- tavern/saddler’s shop
- tss
- tailor’s shop/shoemaker’s shop
- tst
- tobacco stemmery
- tsu
- tobacco factory used as sunday school
- tsv
- tin & stove store/dwelling
- tsw
- tailor’s shop/wing
- tui
- turner’s shop/ice house
- tum
- turner’s shop/store room
- tuo
- turner’s shop/office
- tur
- turner’s shop/dwelling
- tus
- turner’s shop
- tva
- tavern/addition
- tvc
- tavern/clothing store
- tvd
- tavern/dwelling
- tvg
- tavern/grocery/dwelling/shoe store
- tvh
- tavern/hotel
- tvj
- tavern/jeweler’s store
- tvm
- tin & iron store/manufactory/dwelling
- tvp
- tavern/printing office
- tvr
- tavern/restorative
- tvs
- tavern/store
- tvw
- tavern/wing
- twd
- tailor’s shop/watch maker’s shop/dwelling
- twh
- tobacco manufactory/ware house
- twl
- tobacco warehouse/dwelling
- twp
- tin & iron work shop
- tws
- tavern/watchmaker’s shop
- twt
- twist room
- twu
- tobacco warehouse/lumber house
- tww
- tavern/dwelling/wing
- ubi
- upholsterer’s shop/bindery
- udk
- upholsterer’s store/dwelling/kitchen
- uno
- unoccupied
- usc
- United States collector’s office/store house
- usd
- upholsterer’s shop/dwelling
- usk
- upholsterer’s shop/kitchen
- usl
- upholsterer’s workshop/lumber house
- usp
- upholsterer’s shop/store/carpet room
- uud
- upholsterer’s & undertaker’s shop/dwelling
- vad
- variety store/dwelling
- vas
- variety store
- vdk
- variety store/dwelling/kitchen
- vdw
- variety store/dwelling/wing
- ved
- vendue office/dwelling
- ven
- vendue office
- vfi
- Virginia Female Institute
- vlr
- vestry & lecture rooms
- vls
- vestry/lecture rooms/sunday school rooms
- vmm
- Virginia Museum
- vra
- vestry room/addition
- vso
- vendue store/office
- waa
- ware house/addition
- wac
- water closet
- wad
- watchmaker’s shop/dwelling
- wah
- ware house
- wam
- wash house/meat house
- was
- wash house
- wat
- watchmaker’s shop
- waw
- water wheel & gears
- wcr
- ware house/compting room
- wdg
- wholesale dry goods store
- wdk
- ware room/dwelling/kitchen
- wdr
- ware house/dining room
- wds
- wood house [wood storage]
- wdw
- ware room/dwelling
- wdy
- dairy/well house
- weh
- weaving house
- wel
- well house
- wgb
- wholesale grocery store/bacon store
- wgc
- wholesale grocery store/commission store
- wgd
- waggonmaker’s shop/dwelling
- wgg
- wholesale grocery store/dwelling
- wgh
- white yarn house
- wgl
- wholesale grocery store/lumber house
- wgs
- waggonmaker’s shop
- wgw
- waggonmaker’s house
- whe
- wheel house
- whf
- ware house/oil factory
- whg
- wholesale grocery store
- whk
- ware house/kitchen
- whl
- wood house/lodging rooms
- whm
- wheat house/machine room
- who
- wholesale store
- whr
- wheel house/rope walk
- whs
- ware house/shed
- wht
- ware house/general storage
- whw
- ware house/wing
- wia
- wing/addition
- wif
- wing/office
- wih
- washing & ironing house
- wik
- wing/kitchen
- wim
- windmill
- win
- wing
- wip
- wing/porch
- wjd
- watch & jeweler’s store
- wjl
- watch/jeweler’s store/lottery office/lodging rooms
- wjw
- watch & jeweler’s store/dwelling
- wkh
- work house
- wks
- work shop
- wlb
- wine & liquor store/boarding house
- wld
- wing/lodging rooms
- wlr
- ware house/lodging rooms
- wls
- wine & liquor store
- wpd
- work shop/dwelling
- wps
- work shop/stable
- wrt
- warehouse/retail store
- wsa
- ware house/sales room
- wsc
- work shop/coal house
- wsd
- wing/shed
- wsh
- ware house/scale house
- wsk
- washhouse/smoke house
- wsl
- work shop/lodging
- wsm
- ware house/smoke house
- wsr
- ware house/servant’s rooms
- wss
- watchmaker’s shop/silversmith shop
- wst
- ware house/stable
- wsw
- watchmaker’s shop/silversmith shop/dwelling
- wwd
- wheelwright’s shop/dwelling
- wwr
- wholesale ware room
- wws
- wheelwright’s shop
- yar
- yarn house
- ymc
- YMCA rooms/town hall